To clarify, this isn’t my first blog post.
I wrote one at the start of last year, excited to share my progress on my New Year’s Resolutions as the year went on. That didn’t happen. I also forgot how to login to my blog host website, so as far as I’m concerned, that blog post is lost to the void.
I’m embarking on this blogging journey to hopefully A) improve my writing ability, B) reflect on my growth, and C) provide value to a person or two out there. And no, I will not be actively sharing these posts with people in my personal life (but, if you’ve already made your way here, hi!)
To be honest, it’s probably already clear, but I don’t know the first thing about writing a blog. I’ve watched countless YouTube videos on how to “choose your niche,” studied SEO tips, and obsessed over the implications of using a hyphen in the wrong place. But absorbing all of this information has not led to much real practical knowledge. So, I figured I’d treat this blog as an online diary of sorts and weave in lessons I learn as I live my life. I suppose my “niche,” at least for now, is just my life and my own experiences.
For some background, I am a twenty-something-year-old second-generation Indian American woman who works as the only copywriter in a large company and moonlights as a singer-songwriter-guitarist in a band. I live a pretty cool life and have been blessed with a lot of opportunities leading up to where I am now. At this juncture of my life, I’m excited to dig my roots down and delve deeper into both of my passions. I'm working through figuring out how to manage my energy and my time to accomplish my goals and grow.
I’m excited to figure out this blogging thing! I’ll try to post once a month or so (don’t hold me to it) and reflect on current problems or areas of interest I’m dealing with. If you’re a stranger on the internet who has somehow stumbled across this blog post despite my lack of SEO skill, please say hi! I’m always open to making new friends.
xoxo, (are we at "xoxo" level yet?)